Indoor training
Season 2022-2023

The cold is back. And with it, indoor workouts. Even if the pandemic has forced you to equip yourself to do your intervals at home, scientific research is clear You'll make greater progress if you incorporate group sessions at the Cartel into your training plan.

Here's what explains the phenomenon:

The environment. You're out of the house, you don't want to do things by halves. The first-class room. The state-of-the-art equipment. The loud music. The trainer's encouragement. All these elements combine to push you to work harder than if you were alone in your living room or basement.

Motivation. You've made an appointment, and already that's enough to keep you from skipping a workout you know will be demanding. At home, there are a thousand distractions and moments of cowardice lurking around the corner, threatening to push us into doing something else. By going to Cartel, you make sure you make the best possible effort, because you don't want to be unnecessarily out of place.

The ripple effect. Everyone suffers with you, at the same time. Despite the music and the sound of the rollers, you hear grunting. Out of the corner of your eye, you see faces disfigured by the effort. By forcing together, all the members of the group feel they are participating in a kind of common struggle. We encourage and congratulate each other. Peer pressure is a call to give it your all, as if it were also a question of respecting the seriousness of others' efforts by applying them to your own.


When you sign up for a training plan at Vélo Cartel, you enjoy the following benefits:

  • A structured program spread over 26 weeks;
  • Three (3) customized training load updates with different critical power tests (CP1, CP5, CP20, etc.);
  • Group training starting on October 31, 2022 to keep you motivated throughout the process;
  • Optimal progress towards your 2023 goals, especially if you start the plan in week #1;
  • Follow-up by qualified and friendly trainers.

If you do not wish to follow the 2022-2023 schedule, we also offer the possibility of purchasing training session blocks which you can use as you wish: Go to our Mindbody online store.